Monday, August 1, 2022

Facebook vs Fakebook

We had a debate amongst colleagues and students on this topic. Some conclusions of that debate, though nothing new, but still sharing. These conclusions are not truth for all, but are merely conclusions of the group that had debate. 

1. This platform will be remembered in History as a nuclear bomb for majority of society relationships. 

2. Never judge life of an individual through his or her posts, you can never know about the pains, struggles and sacrifices one might be undergoing through their FB wall. They might have posted only happy posts And vice versa is true too. 

3. Slowly addicted people get connected to virtual friends more than to real people around their life, and only in times of disease when their virtual friends are wishing get well soon on FB, they remember real people around them, because then they need someone to take them to hospital, stay with them in hospital or bring medicines for them.

4. Addicted people become too judgemental and comparitive.

5. One good thing is it connects you with your otherwise forgotten friends and brings new virtual friends, but rarely few of them become real life friends but at a cost, which is realised later.

6. Like other social media platforms, it has certainly helped world to see many things which we didn't even knew that they existed.

7. It helps you to pass your time in otherwise busy world, where everyone is rushing and rushing, but then there are many other ways of time pass too

8. It helps you to share your message, activities, information etc on wider large platform.

The conclusions were many, but writing a long essay means too much time on FB.

The take home message was to maintain balance as required in all schemes of universe. Saying and writing is easy, following is difficult. A particular thing may not be harmful to a particular person, but when it's harmful to society as a whole, then it needs to be moderated. Like everything there is a lakshman rekha for freedom too

What you think about FB ?

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